chucknally.ethclaimed a
medal 3 minutes
0x3D9F8dclaimed a
medal 9 minutes
Quixuoteclaimed a
medal 13 minutes
0x1c930Eminted a stack 39 minutes
asterism.ethclaimed a
medal about 1 hour
zzabegin.ethclaimed a
medal about 3 hours
mantodeaclaimed a
medal about 4 hours
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0xSim83rank changed about 4 hours
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Lanskyclaimed a
medal about 4 hours
0xEb2fcEminted a stack about 5 hours
Scoffieclaimed a
medal about 5 hours
infiniteobjects.ethclaimed a
medal about 8 hours
shortcutclaimed a
medal about 12 hours
0xC343b6claimed a
medal about 13 hours
philipstradeclaimed a
medal about 14 hours
zeroXnftminted a postino stamp about 16 hours
Shazclaimed a
medal about 18 hours
0x4726A3claimed a
medal about 18 hours
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medal about 19 hours
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medal about 21 hours
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medal about 22 hours
cclaimed a
medal about 23 hours
A-Mashiroclaimed a
medal about 24 hours
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medal about 24 hours
chrisbclaimed a
medal 1 day
jaywooow.ethclaimed a
medal 1 day
omgidrawedit.ethclaimed a
medal 1 day
0x7EE10fclaimed a
medal 1 day
Mannayclaimed a
medal 1 day
binbashclaimed a
medal 1 day
ChipmouseEsqclaimed a
medal 1 day
ouchboobooclaimed a
medal 1 day
shibbolethclaimed a
medal 1 day
0xba4B55claimed a
medal 1 day
hilbertspaceclaimed a
medal 1 day
0xAF65C6claimed a
medal 1 day
zebrazubraclaimed a
medal 1 day
0x9eC89Dclaimed a
medal 1 day
chucknally.ethclaimed a
medal 3 minutes
0x3D9F8dclaimed a
medal 9 minutes
Quixuoteclaimed a
medal 13 minutes
0x1c930Eminted a stack 39 minutes
asterism.ethclaimed a
medal about 1 hour
zzabegin.ethclaimed a
medal about 3 hours
mantodeaclaimed a
medal about 4 hours
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0xSim83rank changed about 4 hours
cancincminted a stack about 4 hours
Lanskyclaimed a
medal about 4 hours
0xEb2fcEminted a stack about 5 hours
Scoffieclaimed a
medal about 5 hours
infiniteobjects.ethclaimed a
medal about 8 hours
shortcutclaimed a
medal about 12 hours
0xC343b6claimed a
medal about 13 hours
philipstradeclaimed a
medal about 14 hours
zeroXnftminted a postino stamp about 16 hours
Shazclaimed a
medal about 18 hours
0x4726A3claimed a
medal about 18 hours
amritclaimed a
medal about 19 hours
dcotclaimed a
medal about 21 hours
arodclaimed a
medal about 22 hours
cclaimed a
medal about 23 hours
A-Mashiroclaimed a
medal about 24 hours
bonafidehanclaimed a
medal about 24 hours
chrisbclaimed a
medal 1 day
jaywooow.ethclaimed a
medal 1 day
omgidrawedit.ethclaimed a
medal 1 day
0x7EE10fclaimed a
medal 1 day
Mannayclaimed a
medal 1 day
binbashclaimed a
medal 1 day
ChipmouseEsqclaimed a
medal 1 day
ouchboobooclaimed a
medal 1 day
shibbolethclaimed a
medal 1 day
0xba4B55claimed a
medal 1 day
hilbertspaceclaimed a
medal 1 day
0xAF65C6claimed a
medal 1 day
zebrazubraclaimed a
medal 1 day
0x9eC89Dclaimed a
medal 1 day
chucknally.ethclaimed a
medal 3 minutes
0x3D9F8dclaimed a
medal 9 minutes
Quixuoteclaimed a
medal 13 minutes
0x1c930Eminted a stack 39 minutes
asterism.ethclaimed a
medal about 1 hour
zzabegin.ethclaimed a
medal about 3 hours
mantodeaclaimed a
medal about 4 hours
s0tric33rank changed about 4 hours
0xSim83rank changed about 4 hours
cancincminted a stack about 4 hours
Lanskyclaimed a
medal about 4 hours
0xEb2fcEminted a stack about 5 hours
Scoffieclaimed a
medal about 5 hours
infiniteobjects.ethclaimed a
medal about 8 hours
shortcutclaimed a
medal about 12 hours
0xC343b6claimed a
medal about 13 hours
philipstradeclaimed a
medal about 14 hours
zeroXnftminted a postino stamp about 16 hours
Shazclaimed a
medal about 18 hours
0x4726A3claimed a
medal about 18 hours
amritclaimed a
medal about 19 hours
dcotclaimed a
medal about 21 hours
arodclaimed a
medal about 22 hours
cclaimed a
medal about 23 hours
A-Mashiroclaimed a
medal about 24 hours
bonafidehanclaimed a
medal about 24 hours
chrisbclaimed a
medal 1 day
jaywooow.ethclaimed a
medal 1 day
omgidrawedit.ethclaimed a
medal 1 day
0x7EE10fclaimed a
medal 1 day
Mannayclaimed a
medal 1 day
binbashclaimed a
medal 1 day
ChipmouseEsqclaimed a
medal 1 day
ouchboobooclaimed a
medal 1 day
shibbolethclaimed a
medal 1 day
0xba4B55claimed a
medal 1 day
hilbertspaceclaimed a
medal 1 day
0xAF65C6claimed a
medal 1 day
zebrazubraclaimed a
medal 1 day
0x9eC89Dclaimed a
medal 1 day
chucknally.ethclaimed a
medal 3 minutes
0x3D9F8dclaimed a
medal 9 minutes
Quixuoteclaimed a
medal 13 minutes
0x1c930Eminted a stack 39 minutes
asterism.ethclaimed a
medal about 1 hour
zzabegin.ethclaimed a
medal about 3 hours
mantodeaclaimed a
medal about 4 hours
s0tric33rank changed about 4 hours
0xSim83rank changed about 4 hours
cancincminted a stack about 4 hours
Lanskyclaimed a
medal about 4 hours
0xEb2fcEminted a stack about 5 hours
Scoffieclaimed a
medal about 5 hours
infiniteobjects.ethclaimed a
medal about 8 hours
shortcutclaimed a
medal about 12 hours
0xC343b6claimed a
medal about 13 hours
philipstradeclaimed a
medal about 14 hours
zeroXnftminted a postino stamp about 16 hours
Shazclaimed a
medal about 18 hours
0x4726A3claimed a
medal about 18 hours
amritclaimed a
medal about 19 hours
dcotclaimed a
medal about 21 hours
arodclaimed a
medal about 22 hours
cclaimed a
medal about 23 hours
A-Mashiroclaimed a
medal about 24 hours
bonafidehanclaimed a
medal about 24 hours
chrisbclaimed a
medal 1 day
jaywooow.ethclaimed a
medal 1 day
omgidrawedit.ethclaimed a
medal 1 day
0x7EE10fclaimed a
medal 1 day
Mannayclaimed a
medal 1 day
binbashclaimed a
medal 1 day
ChipmouseEsqclaimed a
medal 1 day
ouchboobooclaimed a
medal 1 day
shibbolethclaimed a
medal 1 day
0xba4B55claimed a
medal 1 day
hilbertspaceclaimed a
medal 1 day
0xAF65C6claimed a
medal 1 day
zebrazubraclaimed a
medal 1 day
0x9eC89Dclaimed a
medal 1 day
chucknally.ethclaimed a
medal 3 minutes
0x3D9F8dclaimed a
medal 9 minutes
Quixuoteclaimed a
medal 13 minutes
0x1c930Eminted a stack 39 minutes
asterism.ethclaimed a
medal about 1 hour
zzabegin.ethclaimed a
medal about 3 hours
mantodeaclaimed a
medal about 4 hours
s0tric33rank changed about 4 hours
0xSim83rank changed about 4 hours
cancincminted a stack about 4 hours
Lanskyclaimed a
medal about 4 hours
0xEb2fcEminted a stack about 5 hours
Scoffieclaimed a
medal about 5 hours
infiniteobjects.ethclaimed a
medal about 8 hours
shortcutclaimed a
medal about 12 hours
0xC343b6claimed a
medal about 13 hours
philipstradeclaimed a
medal about 14 hours
zeroXnftminted a postino stamp about 16 hours
Shazclaimed a
medal about 18 hours
0x4726A3claimed a
medal about 18 hours
amritclaimed a
medal about 19 hours
dcotclaimed a
medal about 21 hours
arodclaimed a
medal about 22 hours
cclaimed a
medal about 23 hours
A-Mashiroclaimed a
medal about 24 hours
bonafidehanclaimed a
medal about 24 hours
chrisbclaimed a
medal 1 day
jaywooow.ethclaimed a
medal 1 day
omgidrawedit.ethclaimed a
medal 1 day
0x7EE10fclaimed a
medal 1 day
Mannayclaimed a
medal 1 day
binbashclaimed a
medal 1 day
ChipmouseEsqclaimed a
medal 1 day
ouchboobooclaimed a
medal 1 day
shibbolethclaimed a
medal 1 day
0xba4B55claimed a
medal 1 day
hilbertspaceclaimed a
medal 1 day
0xAF65C6claimed a
medal 1 day
zebrazubraclaimed a
medal 1 day
0x9eC89Dclaimed a
medal 1 day
chucknally.ethclaimed a
medal 3 minutes
0x3D9F8dclaimed a
medal 9 minutes
Quixuoteclaimed a
medal 13 minutes
0x1c930Eminted a stack 39 minutes
asterism.ethclaimed a
medal about 1 hour
zzabegin.ethclaimed a
medal about 3 hours
mantodeaclaimed a
medal about 4 hours
s0tric33rank changed about 4 hours
0xSim83rank changed about 4 hours
cancincminted a stack about 4 hours
Lanskyclaimed a
medal about 4 hours
0xEb2fcEminted a stack about 5 hours
Scoffieclaimed a
medal about 5 hours
infiniteobjects.ethclaimed a
medal about 8 hours
shortcutclaimed a
medal about 12 hours
0xC343b6claimed a
medal about 13 hours
philipstradeclaimed a
medal about 14 hours
zeroXnftminted a postino stamp about 16 hours
Shazclaimed a
medal about 18 hours
0x4726A3claimed a
medal about 18 hours
amritclaimed a
medal about 19 hours
dcotclaimed a
medal about 21 hours
arodclaimed a
medal about 22 hours
cclaimed a
medal about 23 hours
A-Mashiroclaimed a
medal about 24 hours
bonafidehanclaimed a
medal about 24 hours
chrisbclaimed a
medal 1 day
jaywooow.ethclaimed a
medal 1 day
omgidrawedit.ethclaimed a
medal 1 day
0x7EE10fclaimed a
medal 1 day
Mannayclaimed a
medal 1 day
binbashclaimed a
medal 1 day
ChipmouseEsqclaimed a
medal 1 day
ouchboobooclaimed a
medal 1 day
shibbolethclaimed a
medal 1 day
0xba4B55claimed a
medal 1 day
hilbertspaceclaimed a
medal 1 day
0xAF65C6claimed a
medal 1 day
zebrazubraclaimed a
medal 1 day
0x9eC89Dclaimed a
medal 1 day
0x8caCBCOTOM by Kjetil Golid

Kjetil Golid

The system that generates universes. Procedural chemistry, infinite discovery. The ultimate building blocks for the NFT economy.

First medal claimed by cryptoteck.eth

Medals (3705 collected)