gagashclaimed a
medal 20 minutes
semurclaimed a
medal 23 minutes
brain_pastaclaimed a
medal about 3 hours
mesapegasusclaimed a
medal about 4 hours
0x2087D0minted a stack about 8 hours
0x66436Eminted a stack about 9 hours
potandkettle.ethclaimed a
medal about 9 hours
0x67A3D7minted a stack about 9 hours
0xc6B886minted a stack about 9 hours
Quixuoteclaimed a
medal about 9 hours
medal about 10 hours
0x327857minted a stack about 10 hours
0x9370d9minted a stack about 10 hours
0xB3B37Fminted a stack about 10 hours
0xe1EEbDminted a stack about 10 hours
0xB651C8minted a stack about 11 hours
0xAbfF6Dminted a stack about 11 hours
chucknally.ethclaimed a
medal about 11 hours
0x3D9F8dclaimed a
medal about 11 hours
0x1c930Eminted a stack about 12 hours
asterism.ethclaimed a
medal about 12 hours
zzabegin.ethclaimed a
medal about 14 hours
mantodeaclaimed a
medal about 15 hours
s0tric33rank changed about 15 hours
0xSim83rank changed about 15 hours
cancincminted a stack about 15 hours
Lanskyclaimed a
medal about 15 hours
0xEb2fcEminted a stack about 16 hours
Scoffieclaimed a
medal about 16 hours
infiniteobjects.ethclaimed a
medal about 19 hours
shortcutclaimed a
medal about 24 hours
0xC343b6claimed a
medal 1 day
philipstradeclaimed a
medal 1 day
zeroXnftminted a postino stamp 1 day
Shazclaimed a
medal 1 day
0x4726A3claimed a
medal 1 day
amritclaimed a
medal 1 day
dcotclaimed a
medal 1 day
arodclaimed a
medal 1 day
cclaimed a
medal 1 day
gagashclaimed a
medal 20 minutes
semurclaimed a
medal 23 minutes
brain_pastaclaimed a
medal about 3 hours
mesapegasusclaimed a
medal about 4 hours
0x2087D0minted a stack about 8 hours
0x66436Eminted a stack about 9 hours
potandkettle.ethclaimed a
medal about 9 hours
0x67A3D7minted a stack about 9 hours
0xc6B886minted a stack about 9 hours
Quixuoteclaimed a
medal about 9 hours
medal about 10 hours
0x327857minted a stack about 10 hours
0x9370d9minted a stack about 10 hours
0xB3B37Fminted a stack about 10 hours
0xe1EEbDminted a stack about 10 hours
0xB651C8minted a stack about 11 hours
0xAbfF6Dminted a stack about 11 hours
chucknally.ethclaimed a
medal about 11 hours
0x3D9F8dclaimed a
medal about 11 hours
0x1c930Eminted a stack about 12 hours
asterism.ethclaimed a
medal about 12 hours
zzabegin.ethclaimed a
medal about 14 hours
mantodeaclaimed a
medal about 15 hours
s0tric33rank changed about 15 hours
0xSim83rank changed about 15 hours
cancincminted a stack about 15 hours
Lanskyclaimed a
medal about 15 hours
0xEb2fcEminted a stack about 16 hours
Scoffieclaimed a
medal about 16 hours
infiniteobjects.ethclaimed a
medal about 19 hours
shortcutclaimed a
medal about 24 hours
0xC343b6claimed a
medal 1 day
philipstradeclaimed a
medal 1 day
zeroXnftminted a postino stamp 1 day
Shazclaimed a
medal 1 day
0x4726A3claimed a
medal 1 day
amritclaimed a
medal 1 day
dcotclaimed a
medal 1 day
arodclaimed a
medal 1 day
cclaimed a
medal 1 day
gagashclaimed a
medal 20 minutes
semurclaimed a
medal 23 minutes
brain_pastaclaimed a
medal about 3 hours
mesapegasusclaimed a
medal about 4 hours
0x2087D0minted a stack about 8 hours
0x66436Eminted a stack about 9 hours
potandkettle.ethclaimed a
medal about 9 hours
0x67A3D7minted a stack about 9 hours
0xc6B886minted a stack about 9 hours
Quixuoteclaimed a
medal about 9 hours
medal about 10 hours
0x327857minted a stack about 10 hours
0x9370d9minted a stack about 10 hours
0xB3B37Fminted a stack about 10 hours
0xe1EEbDminted a stack about 10 hours
0xB651C8minted a stack about 11 hours
0xAbfF6Dminted a stack about 11 hours
chucknally.ethclaimed a
medal about 11 hours
0x3D9F8dclaimed a
medal about 11 hours
0x1c930Eminted a stack about 12 hours
asterism.ethclaimed a
medal about 12 hours
zzabegin.ethclaimed a
medal about 14 hours
mantodeaclaimed a
medal about 15 hours
s0tric33rank changed about 15 hours
0xSim83rank changed about 15 hours
cancincminted a stack about 15 hours
Lanskyclaimed a
medal about 15 hours
0xEb2fcEminted a stack about 16 hours
Scoffieclaimed a
medal about 16 hours
infiniteobjects.ethclaimed a
medal about 19 hours
shortcutclaimed a
medal about 24 hours
0xC343b6claimed a
medal 1 day
philipstradeclaimed a
medal 1 day
zeroXnftminted a postino stamp 1 day
Shazclaimed a
medal 1 day
0x4726A3claimed a
medal 1 day
amritclaimed a
medal 1 day
dcotclaimed a
medal 1 day
arodclaimed a
medal 1 day
cclaimed a
medal 1 day
gagashclaimed a
medal 20 minutes
semurclaimed a
medal 23 minutes
brain_pastaclaimed a
medal about 3 hours
mesapegasusclaimed a
medal about 4 hours
0x2087D0minted a stack about 8 hours
0x66436Eminted a stack about 9 hours
potandkettle.ethclaimed a
medal about 9 hours
0x67A3D7minted a stack about 9 hours
0xc6B886minted a stack about 9 hours
Quixuoteclaimed a
medal about 9 hours
medal about 10 hours
0x327857minted a stack about 10 hours
0x9370d9minted a stack about 10 hours
0xB3B37Fminted a stack about 10 hours
0xe1EEbDminted a stack about 10 hours
0xB651C8minted a stack about 11 hours
0xAbfF6Dminted a stack about 11 hours
chucknally.ethclaimed a
medal about 11 hours
0x3D9F8dclaimed a
medal about 11 hours
0x1c930Eminted a stack about 12 hours
asterism.ethclaimed a
medal about 12 hours
zzabegin.ethclaimed a
medal about 14 hours
mantodeaclaimed a
medal about 15 hours
s0tric33rank changed about 15 hours
0xSim83rank changed about 15 hours
cancincminted a stack about 15 hours
Lanskyclaimed a
medal about 15 hours
0xEb2fcEminted a stack about 16 hours
Scoffieclaimed a
medal about 16 hours
infiniteobjects.ethclaimed a
medal about 19 hours
shortcutclaimed a
medal about 24 hours
0xC343b6claimed a
medal 1 day
philipstradeclaimed a
medal 1 day
zeroXnftminted a postino stamp 1 day
Shazclaimed a
medal 1 day
0x4726A3claimed a
medal 1 day
amritclaimed a
medal 1 day
dcotclaimed a
medal 1 day
arodclaimed a
medal 1 day
cclaimed a
medal 1 day
gagashclaimed a
medal 20 minutes
semurclaimed a
medal 23 minutes
brain_pastaclaimed a
medal about 3 hours
mesapegasusclaimed a
medal about 4 hours
0x2087D0minted a stack about 8 hours
0x66436Eminted a stack about 9 hours
potandkettle.ethclaimed a
medal about 9 hours
0x67A3D7minted a stack about 9 hours
0xc6B886minted a stack about 9 hours
Quixuoteclaimed a
medal about 9 hours
medal about 10 hours
0x327857minted a stack about 10 hours
0x9370d9minted a stack about 10 hours
0xB3B37Fminted a stack about 10 hours
0xe1EEbDminted a stack about 10 hours
0xB651C8minted a stack about 11 hours
0xAbfF6Dminted a stack about 11 hours
chucknally.ethclaimed a
medal about 11 hours
0x3D9F8dclaimed a
medal about 11 hours
0x1c930Eminted a stack about 12 hours
asterism.ethclaimed a
medal about 12 hours
zzabegin.ethclaimed a
medal about 14 hours
mantodeaclaimed a
medal about 15 hours
s0tric33rank changed about 15 hours
0xSim83rank changed about 15 hours
cancincminted a stack about 15 hours
Lanskyclaimed a
medal about 15 hours
0xEb2fcEminted a stack about 16 hours
Scoffieclaimed a
medal about 16 hours
infiniteobjects.ethclaimed a
medal about 19 hours
shortcutclaimed a
medal about 24 hours
0xC343b6claimed a
medal 1 day
philipstradeclaimed a
medal 1 day
zeroXnftminted a postino stamp 1 day
Shazclaimed a
medal 1 day
0x4726A3claimed a
medal 1 day
amritclaimed a
medal 1 day
dcotclaimed a
medal 1 day
arodclaimed a
medal 1 day
cclaimed a
medal 1 day
gagashclaimed a
medal 20 minutes
semurclaimed a
medal 23 minutes
brain_pastaclaimed a
medal about 3 hours
mesapegasusclaimed a
medal about 4 hours
0x2087D0minted a stack about 8 hours
0x66436Eminted a stack about 9 hours
potandkettle.ethclaimed a
medal about 9 hours
0x67A3D7minted a stack about 9 hours
0xc6B886minted a stack about 9 hours
Quixuoteclaimed a
medal about 9 hours
medal about 10 hours
0x327857minted a stack about 10 hours
0x9370d9minted a stack about 10 hours
0xB3B37Fminted a stack about 10 hours
0xe1EEbDminted a stack about 10 hours
0xB651C8minted a stack about 11 hours
0xAbfF6Dminted a stack about 11 hours
chucknally.ethclaimed a
medal about 11 hours
0x3D9F8dclaimed a
medal about 11 hours
0x1c930Eminted a stack about 12 hours
asterism.ethclaimed a
medal about 12 hours
zzabegin.ethclaimed a
medal about 14 hours
mantodeaclaimed a
medal about 15 hours
s0tric33rank changed about 15 hours
0xSim83rank changed about 15 hours
cancincminted a stack about 15 hours
Lanskyclaimed a
medal about 15 hours
0xEb2fcEminted a stack about 16 hours
Scoffieclaimed a
medal about 16 hours
infiniteobjects.ethclaimed a
medal about 19 hours
shortcutclaimed a
medal about 24 hours
0xC343b6claimed a
medal 1 day
philipstradeclaimed a
medal 1 day
zeroXnftminted a postino stamp 1 day
Shazclaimed a
medal 1 day
0x4726A3claimed a
medal 1 day
amritclaimed a
medal 1 day
dcotclaimed a
medal 1 day
arodclaimed a
medal 1 day
cclaimed a
medal 1 day
ScoffieTraces of the Unfound
Traces of the Unfound

Explore the elusive, the invisible, and the profound connections born from the Bali Art Residency 2024

First medal claimed by eugshchukina

Medals (7 collected)